South Atlantic MPAs and Deepwater Coral HAPCs: Characterization of Fish Communities, Benthic Habitat, and Benthic MacrobiotaStephanie Farrington2021-10-19T14:37:01-02:00
Semi‐Annual Report – South Atlantic Shelf‐edge MPAs and Deep‐water Coral HAPCs Summary of Accomplishments to DateStephanie Farrington2021-10-19T14:12:29-02:00
Characterization and interrelationships of deepwater coral/sponge habitats and fish communities off Florida, USAStephanie Farrington2021-10-15T17:52:09-02:00
South Atlantic MPAs and deepwater coral HAPCs: Characterization of Benthic Habitat and Biota; NOAA Ship Pisces Cruise 13-03Stephanie Farrington2021-10-15T17:52:10-02:00